MōKuest Studios Network CineKuest Video,Podcast Ep. 85: Weird Science (Floppy Disk Frankenstein)

Ep. 85: Weird Science (Floppy Disk Frankenstein)

Ep. 85: Weird Science (Floppy Disk Frankenstein) post thumbnail image

We’re back, baby! After our first foray into timey-wimey adventures, we decided to keep close to that theme with a series of weird science films! Kicking off our list  is “Weird Science” where we are introduced to *checks off list* geeks/nerds/dweebs/dorks/outcasts named Wyatt (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) and Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) who face constant bullying and embarrassment from their peers. These two losers decide to create a woman with Wyatt’s “high-tech computer hacking skills” (sure buddy) and to their surprise–actually succeed. “Your mother was the lightning!” The end result is Lisa (Kelly Lebrock), an 80’s trickster-vixen with godlike powers, and she is the keymaster to levels of coolness and fear their nerdly hearts would never have dreamt possible (they kinda are pretty lame). Almost literally anything can happen. Will Lisa beat up Gary’s dad? Is Wyatt’s bro a piece of crapola on the inside as well as the outside? Does the great Robert Downey Jr. (yep he’s there) stand a snowball’s chance in hell of grooving on omega-hottie Lisa? Join Rey, Roland, and Daniel as they dive into this classic from the mind of John Hughes! Don’t forget to share and like our content on social media!

Check out the Youtube video!

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