MōKuest Studios Network Fat Food for PHAT People,Podcast Fat Food for PHAT People Episode 1.5: Are You Chicken Debate

Fat Food for PHAT People Episode 1.5: Are You Chicken Debate

Firstly, Jamie and Rey mull over the recent Grain to Glass Donut Burger while Roland employs lackluster comedic timing. New Segment: “It Tastes Good in my Mouth!” This is where we spill the beans on giving our mouth the feels, tingles, hunting elephant rats and possibly making us grow hair in weird places. Act 3: We submit ourselves to the heart healthy task of taste testing, and rating, 6 different chicken sandwiches from 6 different fast food locations to determine which reigns supreme and which are absolute garbage…for now.


*Zwooooosh* Gonna go back in time!

To Be Continued…


We will return for part 2 of the “Are You Chicken? Debate: Cluckis Revenge” because there is always a new bird waiting for its time between two buns.


Music provided by MōKuest Studios.

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