MōKuest Studios Network CineKuest Video,Podcast Ep. 63: Pootie Tang (New Years Eve Tradition)

Ep. 63: Pootie Tang (New Years Eve Tradition)

Ep. 63: Pootie Tang (New Years Eve Tradition) post thumbnail image

Wadatah, our damies. We invite you to partake in a Mokuest tradition established years ago of watching one of the absolute best movies ever made on New Year’s Eve! Do you like ass kicking? Do you like kids avoiding cigarettes and malt liquor? Well, do we have a paragon of virtue in the form of Pootie Tang for you via the brainchild of Louis C.K. with Chris Rock’s blessing to provide us with a film that, at the heart of it, is a parody of blaxpoitation films from the 1970s. Pootie isn’t a Jack of All Trades, but a Master, and excels particularly in music, film, martial arts, pottery, and can fix a mean shoe. Pootie is so fly that he was diagnosed as being “too cool for words”, but, despite this, everyone always knew what he meant. Pootie is so badass he had a budget version of TLC perform a song about him! However, his efforts to be the best man he can possibly be to the world around him drew the stink eye of Corporate America (CA) that had an issue with him (Pootie’s PSA campaigns were bleeding them dry). This cinematic masterpiece’s central conflict is CA trying to stop Pootie Tang from being a pone tony. Starring Lance Crouther, this flick is chock full of funny folk including Bob Costas, dudes that were on “The Wire”, Wanda Sykes, the man himself, Chris Rock, and Stifler’s Mom! This movie can be argued as a superhero flick because not all heroes wear capes–sometimes they wear shell necklaces and wield belts. Join Rey, Roland, and Daniel as they poorly attempt an MST3K take on a movie we find no major problems with. Regardless, the important thing to remember, kids, is to say “Sadatay” and feel okay and don’t bang the dillies!

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